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Lead one of 16 different races into unequaled adventures in this sequel to one of the best-loved strategy games of all time. In Master of Orion III, you become the controlling force behind an entire galactic civilization, wielding savvy military, economic, political, and espionage skills. Craft your civilization's glorious chapter in the annals of time and space and claim your rightful title. You're the Master of Orion. This version is the first release on CNET
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Game Information
Free Download Master of Orion: Collector’s Edition PC Game – The ascendant spacefaring 4X strategy game returns! A new chapter in the epic Master of Orion saga is poised to once again capture the imaginations of millions of gamers. Diehard fans of the first games will be ecstatic to know that. Master of Orion 3 Free Download - Play the full version, 3rd Master of Orion game release. Conquer the galaxies and build up your home planet. This will give you an ISO file which is the full version DVD of Master of Orion PC download free. To use that ISO file we will use Daemon Tools Lite software. You will find the link again on the left sidebar. Master of Orion Conquer the Stars Overview. Master of Orion Conquer the Stars Free Download for PC is a reboot of the sci-fi turn-based strategy 4X game Master of Orion, developed by Argentina-based NGD Studios and published by Wargaming.
Official Name | Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares |
Version | Full Game |
File Upload | Torrent |
Developer (s) | Simtex |
Publisher (s) | MicroProse (PC), MacSoft (Mac) |
Platform (s) | Microsoft Windows, PC |
Release date (s) | October 31, 1996 |
Genre (s) | 4X, turn-based strategy |
Mode (s) | Single player, multiplayer |

Feb 11, 2019 - Free Download Master of Orion 3 full game for windows, review and system requirements on Master of Orion 3 for PC. Free Download Master of Orion: Collector’s Edition PC Game – The ascendant spacefaring 4X strategy game returns! A new chapter in the epic Master of Orion saga is poised to once again capture the imaginations of millions of gamers.
Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares for PC Screenshots
Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares Full PC Game Overview
Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares download free. full Game (MOO2) is a 4X turn-based strategy game set in space, designed by Steve Barcia and Ken Burd, and developed by Simtex, who developed its predecessor Master of Orion. The PC version was published by MicroProse in 1996, and the Apple Macintosh version a year later by MacSoft, in partnership with MicroProse. Despite its age, the game has retained a large fan base, and is still played online.
Master of Orion II won the Origins Award for Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer Game of 1996, and was well received by critics, although reviewers differed about which aspects they liked and disliked. It is still used as a yardstick in reviews of more recent space-based 4X games.
Long before the time in which the game is set, two extremely powerful races, the Orions and the Antarans, fought a war that devastated most of the galaxy. The victorious Orions, rather than exterminate the Antarans, imprisoned them in a pocket dimension before departing the galaxy, leaving behind a very powerful robotic warship, the Guardian, to protect their homeworld.[1]:iv
Some time after the game starts the Antarans, having broken out of their prison dimension, begin to send increasingly powerful fleets against the players' colonies, to destroy them rather than to invade.[2] The only way they can be stopped is to carry the battle to their home universe through a Dimensional Portal. Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares Free Download.
Master of Orion II is more complex than the original game, providing more gameplay options for the player. Three new alien races have been added, and there is the option for players to design and add their own race. Instead of the one planet per star universe found in the original there are now multiplanet star systems that can be shared with opponents.[4] Spaceships can now engage in combat, marines can board enemy ships, and planets can be blown up. Multiplayer mode includes one-on-one matches and games with up to eight players.[2]
Victory can be gained by military or diplomatic means. Major elements of the game's strategy include the design of custom races and the need to balance the requirements for food, production, cash and research. The user interface provides a central screen for most economic management and other screens that control research, diplomacy, ship movement, combat and warship design.
Conquering the Orion star system does not automatically win the game. There are three routes to victory: conquer all opponents; be elected as the supreme leader of the galaxy; or make a successful assault against the Antaran homeworld. To be elected, a player needs two-thirds of the total votes, and each empire's votes are based on the population under its control.[1]:145[3]:2
Star systems have at most five colonizable planets, and a few have none. Players can colonize all types of planets, although gas giants and asteroids require the planet construction technology. Colonizable planets vary in several ways, making some more desirable than others:[1]:47–52
The most desirable systems are usually guarded by space monsters, much less powerful than Orion's Guardian but still a severe challenge in the early game, when fleets are small and low-technology. Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares Free Download PC Game.
Without food, a colony will starve to death. If an empire has an overall food surplus, it can prevent localized starvation by sending food in freighters,[1]:57 which are produced (in groups of five) just as any other ship and require a small amount of upkeep when in use.[1]:75 However, a single hostile warship of any size can blockade an entire system, preventing the delivery of food.[1]:139–140
Each player can change each of its colonies' outputs by moving colonists between farming, industry and research,[1]:57–58 except that natives can only farm. All normal colonists pay a standard tax to the imperial treasury, but in emergencies a higher tax rate may be set at the expense of reducing industrial output.[1]:137 Players can use surplus money to accelerate industrial production at specified colonies, but not to increase agricultural or research output.[1]:35–38 The maintenance of buildings costs money, as does maintaining an excessively large fleet.[1]:34 Ships of different sizes require different numbers of «command points». These are provided by orbital bases, which are major construction projects for small colonies. This severely limits the size of empires' fleets in the early game, where one can have only one frigate (smallest type of ship) per starbase or one battleship (largest type of ship in the early game) per four starbases without having to «buy» command points, which is very expensive.[1]:137
Research, usually followed by construction of appropriate buildings, can improve all types of productivity including cashflow and command points, and can reduce or eliminate pollution,[1]:65–99[1]:65–99 Falling behind in technology is likely to be fatal. There are eight research areas[1]:64–65 divided into several levels, each of which contains one to four technologies. To research a higher-level technology, players must first have researched the previous level.[1]:64–65 Players can also acquire technologies by exchange or diplomatic threats, spying,[1]:142 hiring colonial leaders or ship commanders with knowledge of certain technologies, planetary conquest, capturing and dismantling enemy ships, random events, or by stumbling upon it in a derelict craft orbiting a newly discovered planet.[1]:112–116 All weapons and some other combat-related components benefit from miniaturization, in which further advances in the technology area that provides them will reduce the size and production cost of those components.[1]:100–102 Miniaturization also makes available modifications for most weapons, which usually entail a significant increase in their cost and size but can greatly improve their effectiveness in the right situations. Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares Download Torrent.
Master of Orion II provides a wide range of diplomatic negotiations: gifts of money or technology or even all the colonies in a star system; opportunities to demand such concessions from other players; technology trades; trade, non-aggression and alliance treaties.[7]:138–142 The diplomacy menu, called «Races» in the game, also enables the player to allocate spies between defensive duties and spying or sabotage against other empires, and to check opponents' technological progress and diplomatic relationships.[7]:42–43
The designs of colony ships, outpost ships and troop transports are fixed.[7]:105–111 These three ship types can be destroyed instantly by even the weakest combat ship if they travel unescorted.[7]:104 Colony ships, outpost ships, troop transports and warships may benefit from technological advances that increase the range and speed of all of an empire's ships free of charge.[7]:74 Players can design warships, provided they choose the «tactical combat» option in game set-up.[7]:11 A maximum of five classes can be designed at a time, but an indefinite number may be in operation. Players can also refit ships to take advantage of technological improvements not available through free upgrades.[7]:111
Ships can travel to any star system within their range,[7]:30–31 unlike games such as Space Empires or Master of Orion III, in which interstellar travel is possible only or mainly via «wormholes» and it is possible to set up easily defended choke points.[8][9]
In Master of Orion II, space combat occurs only within star systems, either over a planet one side is attacking or on the outskirts of a system, if one side is driving away the other's blockaders or trying to prevent an enemy build-up. If the defending side has warships and several colonies in a system, they automatically scramble to defend whichever colony is attacked. In general, enemy colonies can be taken over only after all orbital and planet-based defenses have been destroyed and all defending ships have been destroyed or forced to retreat. However, a fleet including telepaths will mind-control the colony, unless the defenders also include telepaths. In other cases the only way to seize control of an enemy colony is by invading. In order to do this, the attacking fleet must include some troop transports, which will be lost if the invasion fails, and at least transports will be permanently deployed on the planet if the invasion succeeds.[7]:75 A player cannot control ground combat: the result depends on numbers, ground combat technologies, racial ground combat bonuses, and some Leaders if present. However the game displays the progress of the combat and the ground combat technologies and bonuses used by each side.[7]:118–132 Mind-controlled colonies are instantly loyal to their new owners.[7]:23 Other recently occupied colonies on the other hand are disaffected, have poor productivity, and may rebel and rejoin the empire which founded them. Productivity slowly improves and the risk of rebellion slowly recedes, and there is a way to speed up these improvements.[7]:81 Instead of invading, a victorious attacker may destroy an enemy colony by various means.[7]:118–132
From time to time players are presented with the opportunity to hire leaders, for an annual salary and usually a hiring fee. Colony leaders improve the farming and/or industrial and/or research and/or financial productivity of all colonies in the system to which they are assigned, and some improve the efficiency of defensive or offensive spies. Ship leaders improve the combat effectiveness of their ships and some improve their travel speed. A few leaders of both types also improve the performance of warships and/or ground troops under their command, or contribute directly to a player's finances, or attract other leaders, usually for a reduced hiring fee.[7]:113–116
From time to time there are lucky breaks, disasters or emergencies which are not caused by any player's actions. These can be disabled in the game start-up menu.[7]:132
Master of Orion II provides 13 pre-defined playable races,[7]:16–21 three of which are additions to those available in Master of Orion.[2][4] The game also allows players to create custom races,[7]:132 and a group of enthusiasts regard race design as a crucial element of strategy.[10] Each player starts with ten «picks» (race design points). Choosing advantageous traits reduces the number of picks available, while choosing disadvantages increases them, but players cannot choose more than ten picks' worth of disadvantages. Most of the options are major or minor advantages and minor disadvantages in farming, industry, research, population growth, money, space combat, espionage and ground combat.[7]:16–24 The race design system also offers «special abilities» that have various effects on various aspects of their effectiveness.
The player chooses the empire's form of government,[7]:22–24 which has almost as much influence on how it performs as the choices described above, but the «best» governments cost a lot of picks.[7]:16 Dictatorships are the most common governments for the pre-defined races,[7]:13–15 costing no picks while providing appropriately minor bonuses and penalties.[7]:16 Democracy provides major advantages in research and wealth generation, but is the most vulnerable to spying and sabotage. Democracies also cannot annihilate conquered aliens, but also have the fastest assimilation rate. Unification governments provide advantages in farming and industrial output and defense against espionage, but do not benefit from morale and assimilate conquered aliens at the slowest rate. Feudalism provides a large reduction in spaceship construction costs, but suffers from very slow research and the population of any conquered feudal colony is instantly assimilated into the new government. The race design menu treats Feudalism as a significant disadvantage.[7]:18–21 Each government can be upgraded once by research, but the upgrades generally increase the advantages of each without decreasing its disadvantages.
Players can manage their economies almost entirely from the Colony List. The Colony List allows the player to access any colony's Build Menu, and to change a colony's output by moving colonists between Farmers, Workers and Scientists.[3]:1[7]:35–36, 56–59 The Build Menu allows the player to queue up to seven items for construction at a colony, to refit ships in that colony's system and to design ships that may then be built at any colony.[7]:60–62 At the end of each turn, Master of Orion II shows a report in which items link to the appropriate display, usually to a colony's Build Menu when a construction project has been completed. Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares for PC.
Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares Free Download PC Game
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