Zelda Parallel Worlds 20 Download
I finally finished actually playing through Parallel Worlds earlier this week, so I figured I'd work on the site a bit. I added the locations for all 9 Parallel Tower keys, as well as a few hearts in the heart guide. I also fixed up the links in the drop-down nav bar.
- Zelda Parallel Worlds Remodel
- Zelda Parallel Worlds 20 Download Full
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- Zelda Parallel Worlds 20 Download Torrent
Zelda Parallel Worlds Remodel
- Zelda: Parallel Worlds (SNES) Rom Hack [Download + Review] Zelda: Parallel Worlds is a Super Nintendo ROM hack based on the The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past SNES game. This hack changes the game into something completely different.
- The Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds Remodel ships same day if order is placed before 2PM EST (excluding weekends and holidays). All orders are shipped via Canada Post and include tracking numbers. Shipping charges are calculated at checkout based on weight and destination.
- Play super nintendo Zelda Parallel Worlds - Remodel.
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Zelda Parallel Worlds 20 Download Full

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Zelda Parallel Worlds 20 Download Free
Zelda Parallel Worlds 20 Download Torrent
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100% Enemy Drop RatesEnemies always drop things when defeated, as long as they normally drop items Enemies always drop things when defeated, as long as they normally drop items GENIE | ||||||
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Ability to swing, even if you have no swordThis code is needed in the beginning of the game, before you've gotten a sword, if you want to ... This code is needed in the beginning of the game, before you've gotten a sword, if you want to equip one. RAW | ||||||
Absolute No Collisions With World Entities. Essentially Can Be Considered Another Godmode.. (However, You Can Walk On Water And Through Barriers With This.)*NOTE that you cannot jump off ledges while using this.. *NOTE that you cannot jump off ledges while using this.. RAW | ||||||
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All Bomb-able Walls OpenedHas some issues where it opens some exit doors in caves and if you go in you can't leave, sav ... Has some issues where it opens some exit doors in caves and if you go in you can't leave, save and quit if it happens or use mirror Only Works in Houses and Dungeons GENIE | ||||||
All Four Bottle ModifiersHave all 4 bottles with whatever you want in it (each code is one bottle). 00:You don't have it th ... Have all 4 bottles with whatever you want in it (each code is one bottle). 00:You don't have it that bottles in that position 01:A Mushroom you can't use 02:Have Bottle, but nothing in it 03:Bottle has Health Liquid in it (Infinite Use) 04:Bottle has MP Liquid in it (Infinite Use) 05:Bottle has Health and MP Liquid in it (Infinite Use) 06:Bottle has a Fairy in it (Infinite Use: Limited Numbers can send out) 07:Bottle has a Bee in it (Infinite Use: Limited Numbers can send out) RAW | ||||||
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All Non Key Doors OpenOnly in Houses and Dungeons, some doors won't allow you to go through them especially after cli ... Only in Houses and Dungeons, some doors won't allow you to go through them especially after climbing to another floor, shut off codes then enter the floor again to get through the first door and turn codes on. GENIE | ||||||
All Treasure Chests Can Be Received Infinite Times RAW | ||||||
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Always Bounce Off WallsDon't get caught between two objects or you will bounce around and never stop. You can't p ... Don't get caught between two objects or you will bounce around and never stop. You can't pull your sword. RAW | ||||||
Always Do Link's Power Move. Also If Your Hearts Are Full After Your First Shot Press A Immediatly And You'll Throw A Second Larger Shot. Very Cool! RAW | ||||||
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Bomb Thru Walls in OverworldUse your bombs to destroy any solid objects outside of dungeons/caves/houses. Use your bombs to destroy any solid objects outside of dungeons/caves/houses. GENIE | ||||||
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Boomerang is always out(Throw the boomerang then activate the code) (Throw the boomerang then activate the code) RAW | ||||||
Can Open All Chests In Chest GameYou have to pay for the chance, but you get to open all the chests You have to pay for the chance, but you get to open all the chests GENIE | ||||||
Can Open Chests InfinitelyYou just re-enter the room and whatever chest was there has the item again, work on everything like ... You just re-enter the room and whatever chest was there has the item again, work on everything like heart and bombs and rupees. GENIE | ||||||
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Cripple Thief Boss DefensesBest Used with 1 Hit Kill Code Best Used with 1 Hit Kill Code GENIE | ||||||
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Dark Caves Are LitWhen entering a dark cave for the first time it won't be dark, Can be use together with Rooms A ... When entering a dark cave for the first time it won't be dark, Can be use together with Rooms Always Lit by helder GENIE | ||||||
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Dropping bombs will increment your bombs by the amount you drop RAW | ||||||
Enemies Die in 1 HitSome Bosses need a few more hits, and need to have their defensive abilities removed like the Face S ... Some Bosses need a few more hits, and need to have their defensive abilities removed like the Face Shield of the Scorpion Boss. GENIE | ||||||
Enemies frozen with a Boomerang or Hookshot will stay frozen until you leave the screen. GENIE | ||||||
Enemies RespawnTo make enemies respawn just leave the spot in that screen,and come back and they will be there. To make enemies respawn just leave the spot in that screen,and come back and they will be there. GENIE | ||||||
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Event Modifier00 - Starts Nintendo Screen (Along with full intro) 01 - Starts Player Select Screen 05 - Starts y ... 00 - Starts Nintendo Screen (Along with full intro) 01 - Starts Player Select Screen 05 - Starts you at the last point you entered (doors, ports) 09 - Gives control during certain events that remove it (Death, Messages, Ending). 08 - Starts Exit Last Entered Area 12 - Starts Death Sequence (will prompt Save options as well) 15 - Starts Sahasrala Event after Defeating Agahnim the first time (Appear on Pyramid in darkworld) 17 - Save & Quit (Will restart game like normal option does) 18 - Starts Bat Smashing Through Pyramid Enabling Gannon Fight entrance. 19 - Starts Ending (Triforce) 1A - Starts Second Part of ending RAW | ||||||
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Free Chest Games, and Can Open All ChestsDon't pay for the chance to open chests, and you can open all of them Don't pay for the chance to open chests, and you can open all of them GENIE | ||||||
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Freezing Effects will not be applied to enemies (Ice rod, Ether) RAW | ||||||
Get Fairy at Pond of HappinessThis makes it so you always have 100 rupees invested in the pond of happiness This makes it so you always have 100 rupees invested in the pond of happiness RAW | ||||||
Get Items From AnywhereHearts and magic refills,rupees Hearts and magic refills,rupees GENIE | ||||||
Get Lots of Bottles [Wastes $200 Per Bottle]If you use this code, then you can't capture a good bee with it. The bee will not be desplayed. If you use this code, then you can't capture a good bee with it. The bee will not be desplayed. RAW | ||||||
Get Near A Chicken And You Will Be Swarmed By Them RAW | ||||||
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Golden Pyramid Wall OpenThis is for the Fairy you can only access at the very end of the game, but now really early on in th ... This is for the Fairy you can only access at the very end of the game, but now really early on in the game. GENIE | ||||||
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Hammer Thru Walls in OverworldUse your hammer to destroy any solid objects outside of dungeons/caves/houses. Use your hammer to destroy any solid objects outside of dungeons/caves/houses. GENIE | ||||||
Have 000 Deaths or Retries**Works On All Saved Games** **Works On All Saved Games** RAW | ||||||
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Have All Abilities Except LiftChange the 6F for : 02 - Swim 04 - Run 08 - Pull 20 - Talk 40 - Read 80 - Lift If you us ... Change the 6F for : 02 - Swim 04 - Run 08 - Pull 20 - Talk 40 - Read 80 - Lift If you use 04 You will have shorter sprints but you will be able to walk on water. RAW | ||||||
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Have Bottle 1 Modifier1 - Mushroom?? 2 - Empty 3 - Red (Life Medicine) 4 - Green (Magic Medicine) 5 - Blue (Cure-All M ... 1 - Mushroom?? 2 - Empty 3 - Red (Life Medicine) 4 - Green (Magic Medicine) 5 - Blue (Cure-All Medicine) 6 - Fairie 7 - Bee 8 - Good Bee! RAW | ||||||
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Have Enhanced Bomb MaximumThis gives you 112 bombs at maximum. This gives you 112 bombs at maximum. RAW | ||||||
Have Normal Arrow MaximumThis gives you 70 arrows at maximum This gives you 70 arrows at maximum RAW | ||||||
Have Normal Bomb Maximum7 -This gives you 50 bombs at maximum F - This gives you 112 bombs at maximum 7 -This gives you 50 bombs at maximum F - This gives you 112 bombs at maximum RAW | ||||||
Hit AnywhereDo not use against Ganon. Use the boomerang for the switch crystal not the sword. Do not use against Ganon. Use the boomerang for the switch crystal not the sword. GENIE | ||||||
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Hookshot Grabs to Any SurfaceDo not use outside where you change screens Do not use outside where you change screens GENIE | ||||||
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In The Light World Treasure Chest Game, Get All 3 RAW | ||||||
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Galoob, John Ratliff | ||||||
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Infinite Time When You Play The Digging Game In The Dark World RAW | ||||||
Insta BombsBombs detonate almost instantaneously. Use with invincibility. Bombs detonate almost instantaneously. Use with invincibility. GENIE | ||||||
Invincible / Walk Thru EnemiesSame as the others...oh, bah...I don't wanna say it again...if you haven't read any of the ... Same as the others...oh, bah...I don't wanna say it again...if you haven't read any of the others, just go back and read the descriptions...dammit...now I've wasted even more efforct explaining how I don't want to explain it than I would have if I would have simply explained it...heheh. RAW | ||||||
Item drops from enemies never disappearUnless you change screens or you pick them up Unless you change screens or you pick them up RAW | ||||||
Jesus Modecan walk on water in the overworld and dungeons that have deep water. can walk on water in the overworld and dungeons that have deep water. GENIE | ||||||
Lift Rocks And BouldersCan lift things that can only lifted with the most powerful gloves Can lift things that can only lifted with the most powerful gloves GENIE | ||||||
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Link Can Kill CuccosAlso one hit kills enemies. Also one hit kills enemies. GENIE | ||||||
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Link Walks Really Fast, No Dash NecessaryUngodly Fast Backwards Walking Ungodly Fast Backwards Walking RAW | ||||||
Luck ModifierGreat = 1 Big Trouble = 2 A Little = 0 Good = 0 (If A Little Luck indeed equals Good Luck in e ... Great = 1 Big Trouble = 2 A Little = 0 Good = 0 (If A Little Luck indeed equals Good Luck in every aspect, it seems somebody with a mean sense of humor anticipated Cheat Search. :P) It affects random prize drops from enemies. 0 has no effect from normal. 1 guarantees the prize drop. 2 skips the prize drop. Altered luck only lasts for 10 prize drop possibilities, then is restored to the normal value of zero. It's neat to see Hinox not leave behind any bombs. No idea yet if Luck is retained when you save and quit your game. I don't see $0CF9 used elsewhere, though that doesn't definitely mean it isn't. You know the feeling you had when you read that certain recruitable Breath of Fire 2 villagers had a boost that would only last your party one battle? Consider that feeling duplicated. RAW | ||||||
Luck Prize Drop CountdownIt starts at 0 when your luck is initially set by the Pond, then increases on every potential prize ... It starts at 0 when your luck is initially set by the Pond, then increases on every potential prize drop -- aside from the exceptions discussed above -- until it hits 10 and your luck goes back to normal). iow, the desired supplemental code would probably be 7E0CFA00. It's probably only necessary when you're killing multiple enemies at once (in which case the emulator/cheat device might not be quick enough to adjust $0CF9 in between enemy drop checks). RAW | ||||||
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Number Of Heart Containers Modifier28-Five 50-Ten 78-Fifteen A0-All Twenty 28-Five 50-Ten 78-Fifteen A0-All Twenty RAW | ||||||
Number Of Heart Pieces Modifier1-One2-Two3-Three 1-One2-Two3-Three RAW | ||||||
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Palette Edit #1The palette edit codes make the enemy invincible. There are other quantities. 00 - Green Soldier ... The palette edit codes make the enemy invincible. There are other quantities. 00 - Green Soldier 01 - Blue Soldier 02 - Red Soldier 03 - Bat FF - Ice RAW | ||||||
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Press Start to Beat the GameAnywhere you can normally access your inventory. Anywhere you can normally access your inventory. GENIE | ||||||
Purchases Made at shops increase your Rupees by the price of the item: RAW | ||||||
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Revive Infinite TimesIs like having a fairy in a bottle but you don't need to have a bottle with a fairy Is like having a fairy in a bottle but you don't need to have a bottle with a fairy GENIE | ||||||
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Running Boots Run x3 FasterBe careful not to dash so close to the screen edges or doorways as you can move so fast it will make ... Be careful not to dash so close to the screen edges or doorways as you can move so fast it will make you jump to the lower part of the screen. GENIE | ||||||
Running Guy In Kokari Village Doesn't Run At All RAW | ||||||
Screwed GFX ModeDie and come back... Die and come back... RAW | ||||||
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Shooting an arrow increments your arrows by the amount you shoot RAW | ||||||
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Something with spritesThis causes sprites to disappear or resume their original state, along with some other odd effects. ... This causes sprites to disappear or resume their original state, along with some other odd effects. A side effect is that if you change screens up or down, the game will go crazy in a semi-entertaining way, with a wierd scrolling glitch. RAW | ||||||
Spin Attack Needs Nearly No Charge TimeThis lets you rattle off regular attacks without accidentally using the spin attack. Barely any time ... This lets you rattle off regular attacks without accidentally using the spin attack. Barely any time is needed for charging up a spin attack. Change the first 2 letters in the code to DD to make every sword swing execute a spin attack GENIE | ||||||
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Spin Sword And Shoot Like A Higher Level Sword (Good For One Use Per Screen) GENIE | ||||||
Stop Zelda from repeatedly saying 'Help me I am in the castle' at the beginning of the game.She may still say it once when you are in the house before you go out. She may still say it once when you are in the house before you go out. GENIE | ||||||
Super HookshotSimilar to Super Hookshot for OOT Similar to Super Hookshot for OOT RAW | ||||||
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The Fortune Tellers Refills Your Hearts And Maxes RAW | ||||||
The regular sword (the first sword you get) is stronger (8 damage instead of 2). GENIE | ||||||
The regular sword is much stronger (16 damage instead of 2). GENIE | ||||||
The regular sword is ultra strong (100 damage instead of 2). GENIE | ||||||
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Tossed Objects Stay ActiveAfter you toss a bush/pot/skull/etc., it won't break; you can pick it up and throw it again. Ke ... After you toss a bush/pot/skull/etc., it won't break; you can pick it up and throw it again. Keep too many active in the same screen and things will become slow. GENIE | ||||||
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Walk FasterDoes not affect Link on ice, stairs or in deep water. For faster movement on ice, use the 'Ice ... Does not affect Link on ice, stairs or in deep water. For faster movement on ice, use the 'Ice Isn't Slippery' cheat. GENIE | ||||||
Walk Much FasterDoes not affect Link on ice, stairs or in deep water. For faster movement on ice, use the 'Ice ... Does not affect Link on ice, stairs or in deep water. For faster movement on ice, use the 'Ice Isn't Slippery' cheat. GENIE | ||||||
Walk Through Special NPCsSome mobs/npcs have a separate address from the WTW code. Some mobs/npcs have a separate address from the WTW code. RAW | ||||||
Walk Through WallsOnly works going up and down not sideways. Only works going up and down not sideways. GENIE | ||||||
Walk Through WallsHorizontal and Vertical walk-through-walls code. Diagonal movement still makes you hit things. You c ... Horizontal and Vertical walk-through-walls code. Diagonal movement still makes you hit things. You can fall down some holes, and if you start swimming, you'll have to get to an area where you're normally allowed to exit the water, and turn off the codes near that area before trying to exit the water GENIE | ||||||
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Walk Through Walls (Alternate)Works like many of the other wtw codes here but I haven't had issues like the other like swimmi ... Works like many of the other wtw codes here but I haven't had issues like the other like swimming on land and other defects. DON'T Jump into holes that have a border around them like the one outside the Black Smith's House with the code on. GENIE | ||||||
Walk Through Walls [Horizontally Only]It works when you try to walk through people, chests and so on from left to right. It works when you try to walk through people, chests and so on from left to right. RAW | ||||||
Warp Between Worlds FreelyYou can use the magic mirror to go from the light world to the dark world, in addition to it's ... You can use the magic mirror to go from the light world to the dark world, in addition to it's normal functionality GENIE | ||||||
Weapon ActionPlay around with the value on this.. 4E will make Link continually fire the BOW automatically, if se ... Play around with the value on this.. 4E will make Link continually fire the BOW automatically, if selected, and, permit rapid fire of the sword. FF will do the same, however, rapidly slash the sword.. FE will ultra rapidly fire arrows when Link is charging, instead of yield the sword. RAW | ||||||
Whack Thru Walls in OverworldUse your sword to destroy any solid objects outside of dungeons/caves/houses. Use your sword to destroy any solid objects outside of dungeons/caves/houses. GENIE | ||||||
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When pumpkin lick robs you he increments your arrows by the amount he tried to take RAW | ||||||
When pumpkin lick robs you he increments your bombs by the amount he tried to take RAW | ||||||
When pumpkin lick robs you he increments your rupees by the amount he tried to take RAW | ||||||
When thief robs you he increments your arrows by the amount he tried to take RAW | ||||||
When thief robs you he increments your bombs by the amount he tried to take RAW | ||||||
When thief robs you he increments your rupees by the amount he tried to take RAW | ||||||
WTW Horizontal Drops (Disables horizontal jumps off a a ledge/cliff)Useful for WTW codes where Link would drop off when you wanted him to continue in that direction Useful for WTW codes where Link would drop off when you wanted him to continue in that direction GENIE | ||||||
WTW Objects (Vertical)Can walk through objects that link would usually push/pull. Can walk through objects that link would usually push/pull. GENIE | ||||||
WTW Objects HorizontalCan walk through objects that link would usually push/pull. Can walk through objects that link would usually push/pull. GENIE | ||||||
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WTW Vertical Drops (Disables vertical jumps off a a ledge/cliff)Useful for WTW codes where Link would drop off when you wanted him to continue in that direction Useful for WTW codes where Link would drop off when you wanted him to continue in that direction GENIE | ||||||
You Don't Curl Up When You Get HitWhen You Hit A Squid, The Electric Shock Doesn't Hurt When You Hit A Squid, The Electric Shock Doesn't Hurt RAW |